It's amazing to hear little kids saying this. Man, what I wouldn't give to have had that instilled in me from childhood! Buuut I suppose thats one of the reasons why we have kids. Not so we can make them live the lives we lived, but so they can live what we couldn't. Im pretty convinced that every parent in some way, lives vicariously through their children. For me it's showing my children that they are worth something! As well as teaching them that the Holy Spirit is our helper and He gives us amazing Gifts if we ask and believe. For my husband its buying them toys that he wished HE had when he was a kid. The lego sets... its really for him ;)
I think though sometimes the childrens department at church chooses verses or stories that will also give parents a reminder of the simple amazingness of God! And the strength that God gave us to pull through.
In the Bible it says in Hebrews 12:1 to run with ENDURANCE the race that is set before us. I cant tell you how many times I've thought of that verse BUT (and maybe this is just me) theres a first part of the verse that i dont think about, and completely forget about until I look it up (you know, actually cracking open my Bible and finding "endurance" in the concordance because I've completely forgotten the scripture refrence...) it says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside EVERY weight and SIN which clings so closely"
If you are constantly striving for victory, and feeling like you always fall short this is for you. (Okay, and me too!) You absolutely, in no way can be victorious if you allow the baggage of life to "cling" on to you. Your past, (not a pretty one? Always reminding you of crap that you really dont want to be reminded of?) Your present, (always staring you in the face just how difficult everything is, and feeling like you are looking at a mount everest that your expected to climb) or your future (got "nothing" going for you and can't find ANY solution to make it out of this world any less dependant than when you first came into this world) thats all baggage that i must say, at different points in my life I have had! But not today! And not anymore!
1Peter 5:7 says to "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the Mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, Casting ALL your anxieties on HIM because...HE CARES FOR YOU!" Also in Matthew 11:28-30 "come to me(Jesus) all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls"
If you are human you have been burdened at some point in your life! But when Jesus says take My yoke upon you, he isnt saying he's going to give you a different burden, He is talking about walking in union with Him, and THAT is what will give you rest. Just like two ox plowing a field yoked together have to walk in unison, step by step, to make the job easier, that is what God wants. He wants to be so close to you that you and Him are knit together.
Jesus even prayed that very thing in John 17:20-22 "I ask also for those who will believe in me... that they also will be in us (Jesus, God) so that the world will believe that You have sent me. The Glory that You have given Me, I HAVE GIVEN THEM!!" WOW! Jesus gives us the same glory he recieved from God!
How can we NOT be victorious with that?! Ok, so maybe I'm talking to myself here and thats fine, but man I'm pumped! I can lay it down (and heres the key...) dont pick my burden back up! And find myself operating in the same glory of God himself, and being one with Jesus! If that doesnt scream victory... then I will give you one more thing that does: Jesus Christ died and lay in a tomb(dead) for three days, then conquering death got up, walked out of the tomb and ministered to his Disciples for 40 days as if death never happened. Now thats Victory! So with that said...
"Let me hear your battle cry, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!"
Until next time :)
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