Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Depression Hurts Cymbalta Can't Help!

The other day I had a line from that Cymbalta commercial stuck in my head "depression hurt's, Cymbalta can help". It has helped many people I'm sure.... But God has helped more. Let me do a little illustration for you

Include but in no means limited to:

Redness of skin
Heart attack
Thoughts of suicide

The list goes on and on and on, I couldn't believe it!! People are risking their lives for peace and happines... risking their life to fill that void that ONLY God can fill. All those depression medications do is increase the flow of that happy hormone into your brain... but God can heal you... God doesn't use crazy drugs, that eventually drive you to kill yourself.

Include but in no means limited to:

compassion for others
Sence of purpose
Feeling that you have help
Companionship with someone who can solve your problems
Renewed energy
Greater patience
Greater love for others

Now when I was reading through the side effect list for Cymbalta, of course, the list never include things like "hope" or "joy". Isn't that what we all want? Not jitters and caffine highs.

No amount of caffine, healthy eating, exercising and especially medication can give you hope. They can offer you less sadness followed by a laundry list of terrible side effects.... including suicide!! Isn't that the very thing you are trying to be free from? Jesus had so much compassion on thousands of people, and His compassion didn't stop when he went back to heaven. He left us His Spirit to help us! That exactly what He's there for! Jesus saw thousands of hurting people, and he cared so deeply for them, even when he was exhausted and sleep deprived, even when his best friend just died, he still showed his love to the thousands of hurting people. He still cares for you! He didn't leave His Spirit behind for you to still be hurting.
Jesus gave us a life guide, His great Medicine... His Word! When you look inside it you see how much love He had for us. He told the people to turn from their sins and follow Him. When we put aside the sin we have carried, we can begin to live in freedom! True freedom comes from Christ alone.
Jesus said "come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will giver you rest take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (matt 11:28-29) Jesus didn't say take his burden(I used to think that's what it meant) no, he's saying to let him take you under His wing, He will be your teacher, line yourself up with Him, walk with Him, be yoked to Him, stop trying to plow the dirt of life alone!
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you, He will never permit the righteous to. Be moved" (psalms 55:22) before you tell me your not righteous, if you confess your sins before God, He is faithful to forgive, if you believe in Jesus and have given your life to Him, then you are righteous "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Corinthians 5:21)
" Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He might exalt you, casting ALL your anxieties on him, because He cares for you!" how many times does Jesus have to ask you to stop worrying and stressing and give it to Him for you to see how much He loves and cares for you!
Seek the Lord and He will come to you, and give your burdens to Him, walk with Him, He will sustain you, exalt you, and give you hope! There is no joy in life without Christ.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finding Joy in Uncommon Places

As a Christian we are promised peace and joy. (The peace that passes all understanding and guards our hearts and minds. And the Joy of the Lord shall be your strength) but I cannot tell you how many times I see christians fighting against depression. Its heart breaking to see. I remember my dad struggling with depression when I was little, and I used to tell him, just pray and God will take it away. And I'm sure he did... but God gave us authority over satan. Depression isn't "in your genes" it isn't "something you have to live with" those are lies from the devil trying to dim the light of Christ in you. If an unbeliever sees you always depressed, moaning and crying, what kind of message does that send about the saving God you serve? Get rid of that devil on your back, rebukes him in the name of Jesus Christ, and send him straight back to hell where he belongs! And don't stop there, the battle is never over. But don't give up said Jesus, for your prize is coming if you do not faint. Instead get into Gods Word, pray like you've never prayed, be filled with the Holy Spirit! Arm yourself for battle, so that instead of fighting the giants that overshadow you, you will be squashing bugs under your feet!

Truthfully, I struggled with depression when I was younger. Sure you can make the DNA case against it, but I have found the secret to peace everlasting! Joy that keeps me smiling.... and it is NOT about circumstances. Seriously... it isn't! I used to have the attitude "well of course your happy all the time, you have loads of money!" Nope. That's not how God works... happiness and joy are not one in the same. Joy lasts and is independant of circumstances, happiness is strictly circumstancial and temporary. They key? What the secret? I couldn't begin to tell you all of it, because, well, I'm not God. But this is what I have discovered for me... faith. You can only have faith by readng/hearing Gods Word. One verse I saw today said something about Gods word being Life to all who read it! (It was in Isaiah 55ish) life... we want to live our life with joy, and peace. AndGod want so much for you to hand that burden overto him. Our burdens we're not meant for us to caarryon our own. If it feels like too much, that's because it is! Give it to God, don't take it back, and soon you will find yourself with a joy that you never knew exsisted. Don't just resist the devil, tell him to get out of your life. He is walking all overGod's precious property and you are allowing it!
Its time to take a stand! Its time to laugh, to leap for joy, to live like you've never lived before! Gods word will go out to accomplish exactl what God sent it for, so speak it over your life. Find the verses for yourself, so that God can speak right into your very heart. And begin our life living in joy and peace the way you were meant to!

God bless you, and open your eyes to find the truth of His Word in Jesus mighty name!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Christ Like Integrity

George Washington Carver I honestly didn't know much about him before today, and I still don't know a whole lot, but I saw something he said to his students that really caught my attention. He gave each of his students eight laws of integrity to live by. While reading through the list I was amazed at how little this kind of stuff is taught in schools these days. And it seems that many of them are even looked down on as something "people just don't do" anymore.

1.) Be clean both inside and out.
2.) Neither look up to the rich nor down on the poor.
3.) Lose, if need be, without squealing.
4.) Win without bragging.
5.) Always be considerate of women, children, and older people.
6.) Be too brave to lie.
7.) Be too generous to cheat.
8.) Take your share of the world and let otherstake theirs.

When was the last time you heard someone in school talk about being too brave to lie? Instead it seems like everyone (even in the church) accepts "little white lies" as not a lie, but simply just flattery. (In fact they are helping you by lying to you about your great dress, so you will feel better) *sarcasm*
People are so used to lying that to most people they don't even realize they are doing it! It has become second nature to many in our society. We use flattery as a way of promoting ourselves. We look like a nicer person a better person and a more noticed person when we flatter others. (Don't get me wrong, I am by NO means saying not to say nice things or complement people, after all Christ said to build eachother up in the Lord, that would be edifying to the church) but beware, in the last days people are said to use flattery as a means of promoting ones self.

What He said about not looking down on the poor and not looking up to the rich was such a profound statement for me. Mainly the don't look up the the rich. Don't give your honor to someone because of their status, instead give your honor to Jesus Christ and those who show the true life of Christ shining through them. By that you are honoring Christ.

I could say more but, I was thinking of writing this on my wall at home as 8 characteristics to display. So I thought Id share what my convictions were.
:) Be blessed today everyone!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shining Love

I'm not alone in saying that I know Christ is coming back soon. Churches throughout the world have been struck with a sense of urgency to not only spread the Gosple of Christs, which is the Good news of Jesus' salvation for us, but also an urgency to simpy get your act together. In the last days people will have dreams and visions, men women and children will be propheseying. I've known too many people having dreams of a soon coming destruction to california,and the urgency I've felt to share the gosple to dismis any of it.
But I'm just going to be real with you right now, its been on my heart to pray for laborers to be sent out into the field. I myself have very limited access to people, some people (most pweople) have more. In ezekiel God said he does not desire to see the wicked perish.
People in this world are hurting and lost. People turn from God because someone from the church hurt them, or didn't simply love as they should have. Our love is what we are to be known by. Not our condemning words, not our judgement on others. God is the judge, not us!! We are to judge our own actions, not everyone elses. We are called to love. A gentle word turns away wrath, showing love to your enemies will heap burning coals on their head. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves... are you? (Am I?)
Is love what others see? Or do they see someone who portrays the church as "hypocritical". If you are to be forgiven, you must also forgive. If you can't forgive others,how then can God forgive you? Thank God we serve the One who is slow to anger, quick to love and quick to forget. But friends, I plead with you, if we are to be the salt and light of this world, then we need to represent Christ' love. He had compassion like none other. When the woman with an infirmity for 20someodd years touched his coat hoping she would behealed that way, he didn't turn around and say 'repent first, woman!' Or 'dont touch me, you are unclean, you just made me unclean, who do you think you are?!' Why do we as christians feel the need to tell others how sinful they are for going out drinking, for listening to "heathen"music, for dancing like that, for watching those movies... who made you God that you try to judge these people? Some people backslide, some people fall from God, but it is not our job as christians to tell themwhat rotten scum they are. We are to love, encourage, build up, and even carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ! God still convicts people, and helps them back onto the path of righteousness, and when that person decides to walk back home, they need a family to accept the prodigal son back, throw a feast and celebrate. Not judge and tell them how bad they were.
I'm not saying to never confront someone who has walked away from the faith, I'm saying, do it in love, build them up, don't tear them down. No matter how far you have fallen you can still repent and come back to Jesus! His love covers all sins. So let our love do the same, and allow for Christ to be a light in our lives. Pray for those who persecute you. If someone takes your shirt give them your jacket!
So in these last days, let's pray even more feverntly for the lost souls to be touched, tocome back to Christ, and for more laborers to be sent out (even if that is you). And let's show the same love and forgiveness that God has shown us.