Sometimes through trials come the most significant and insightful Words of your life. While this may not be the most significant, it was so profound to me and touched me deeply. I love my husband dearly, he means the world to me. We have a fabulous marriage, and I'm very very blessed to be his wife, that being said though, not every moment is perfect. In one of those less than perfect moments I prayed to God asking Him "God, why are relationships so hard?". I understand that to have a great relationship with your spouse it takes a lot of work and even more patience and understanding. More like all the fruits of the spirit! love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, etc etc. That's not what this is about though. As I prayed I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me answering my silly and kind of obvious question with "because no love is perfect, except mine!"
After I heard that in my mind, I fell asleep and began dreaming. In my dream God was singing (I could not see God but just knew)And God sang to me "Your grace is renewed. Your grace is renewed." behind Him was a choir of angels singing "His Love is Perfect, His love is Perfect" the song was so beautiful that there is no way it could ever be duplicated on earth. I'm not telling this as a bragging thing, but more so as a reminder to myself the tremendous love God has for me. So I can look back when I'm discouraged and feeling like God isn't there, I can remember, His love IS perfect!
What happened next is so typical of us as humans, and as children born in sin. My husband came in to spend time with me, and show me he loved me. I was woken up from a beautiful song, and my husband didn't say everything I wanted him to say. He didn't apologize like I thought he should, he didn't touch me like I wanted him to. His eyes didn't show the compassion that I was expecting, or wanting. So instead of listening to the voice of the Lord, I was angered at my husband. I was irritated that he wasn't living up to his full potential. This was simply a moment of me being so blinded by the log in my eyes that all i could see was wood, and assumed it was my husbands fault.
After a few minutes of a brief argument followed by: "lets forgive each other and start the day over", we made up and then I remembered my dream and my prayer. I shared it with my husband, and things are back to normal with our date night back on the schedule for tonight.
Why cant we be perfect? Why cant we love perfectly? As much as I like to think I love my husband perfectly, reality is that I don't! And I am human, and I make mistakes, and so does my husband. If I want his forgiveness for being overly emotional, or choosing bitterness over gentleness, then I need to forgive his shortcomings as well. No one is perfect, even though I completely believe my husband is perfect for me. Truth is only God's love is perfect!
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