I write this with the goal being that Christ would use me to edify, build up and encourage those in the body of Christ! I pray that each blog would be from the heart of our Father, for the purpose of lifting others up!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
where's my seed???
I'm guilty of doing things like sowing seed then then next day asking God, where's the fruit??? What is it about our culture that everything has to be instant? Back in the day the wiveswould spend hours upon hours in the kitchen cooking for the day. They would grind up the oats, and seeds, they would have to kneed the bread, let it rise, they would churn their own butter... I'll bet they had really strong arms too! But now? A quick 20 minute run to the store and you can buy sandwiches already made, or the cakes already frosted. Or shoot, look in the freezer pull out a couple tv dinners and 5 minutes later you have... "food". And believe me as a mom of four little kids, I am very grateful for the pre-made meals, that microwave ...I seriously don't know what I would do without it. But when it comes to "seed time, and harvest", well I've heard it put like this: Seed.... Tiiiiiiiiiimmeeeeeee..... ..... .... Harvest. Seeds don't sprout over night, and certainly don't bear fruit over night? And isn't "Gods ways Higher than our ways". I get so impatient sometimes that I think my begging God to hurry up and put fruit on that seed I plantwd is doing more harm than good. (No brainer, I know)
God said that for as long as the earth remained there would be seed time, and harvest! Your harvest will come, but you can't keep pulling your seed out of the ground and wondering why it hasn't sprouted.
Have you ever planted a tree from seed? Those things take years and years to mature and grow fruit, bear crops.... but no seed can grow if you pull the seed out of the ground every couple months. When you plant a seed... be it a word of encouragement, money, food, anything else, don't look around for where your return will be coming from. "God loves a cheerful giver". Not 'God loves it when you give something and expect something in return' no doubt that God loves to bless us. (Ever read prverbs?) He loves to shower us with good things! So stay faithful, run and don't grow weary, for your time will come when God will pour out a blessing so big you don't have room enough to receive it.
In the mean-time test your heart, and proove faithful with what is in your hands! Thank God for His mercy and faithfulness. No matter what you are going through, God has something better planned. Yes that's right! God is faithful what He has promised. His words are truth! I'm not saying we will all be millionairs by the time we are 75, that would be an outright lie... some of you, sure. All? No. I don't think thats Gods plan. But His desire is to see us all in heaven with Him... will you be there?
So lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust won't destroy. You life here is short. A mere 120 years is a blink of an eye compaired to eternity. Invest in your eternity. Invest in your forever, and if the Lord deems fit for you to have a million dollars, then praise him, and give him all the glory. But stop digging up your seed and demanding it to grow. Give it time, and it will bear fruit. Just prepare yourself so you are ready to receive all that the Lord desires to give you. Be faithful with little and you will be given much.
Emerald Palace-my eternal resting place :)
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