Friday, July 15, 2011

Faith is Essential

"Doubt is a luxury we cannot afford" I was praying the other day and this line from The Incredibles popped into my head, immediately followed by the verse in the Bible that says if you believe in him (Jesus) with all your heart, not doubting, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9-11) I thought to myself, wow a kids movie just said something so profound, and yet so so many have missed it (no, I'm not saying that there is a secret hidden message in the Pixar film) But how many times have you doubted something, and then because of that doubt you have been held back? Doubt and fear go hand in hand a lot of thw time, if you doubt your ability to preform a certain task, you are afraid of the failure you might produce. Living in fear. God says "fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God" (Isaiah 41:10) If you doubt tthe existance of Jesus. Or that He is the son of God, you will not see all the glory that God has planned for your life. The salvation God has for you is in your assurance of His death and rising for your sake!!

When you are walking in doubt, you are stripping yourself of any worth. If you are in a relationship with Christ, a meaningful and one on one relationship with the one who gave His life foryou, then your worth and value is in Him! Not in your deeds, good or bad. You become the heir to a kindgdom, one greater than this earth has ever seen or been able to imagen. Galatians 3:29 talks about being heirs to a promise, the greatest, most amazing, faithful promise ever written in the History of mankind! Gods Word is the end all. The final say! When God promises you life, believe and you shall receive! (John 10:10) when God promises you abundance, overflowing, believe and you shall receive! (Malachi 3:10), When God promises you peace, believe and you will receive (Philippians 4:7).
The devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy you life. (John 10:10) and the most. Important thing you can hold onto is your faith! So stop doubting and start believing! "Those who bhave faith are blessed" (Galatians 3:9) "Faith come through hearing, and hearing through the Word of God" (Romans 10:17) So if you feel a little, or a lot, weak in your faith, if you feel easily swayed, read Gods Word! It never returns void, God will guide your eyes, and heart and He will plant that seed of faith in you.
You are called to be free (Acts 13:39), but if you doubt Gods faithflness, if you doubt that you can do all that God wants you to do then the devil has already won. Don't give your life over to darkness by doubting. Have some faith, read Gods Word.doubt is what keeps us in bondage. It will bring you to a place so low, that all you can see are the miserable, messed up things you have thought/said/done and your worth will be lower than the scum on the bottom of you shoe... IN YOUR OWN EYES! Not in Gods!that's not who God created you to be! He said "There is NO condemnation for those in Christ!!! (Romans 8:1)
God called you out of the pit just to be with Him, and if he thinks you are worth dying for then believe it! Because no one, and I mean no one except the Jesus the Son of God, ever died for your freedom (john 3:16)
Accept that amazing gift, and believe that He loves you and your worth is greater than what the devil keeps telling you!