Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who Am I?!

I am many things... or rather i DO many things, that seem to get labeled as who I am. Such as I AM a mom, I AM a wife, I AM a great cook (ok, I like to think that) even I AM a Christain. But more than those being titles of who i am, I'd have to say those are merely titles of what I do. And I will be honest, in the midst of my busy and hectic life of running after four kids, I often feel stripped from my own identity and feel as though I'm not who I used to be. Yet i dont entirely know who I am at this moment.
Thats how I've been feeling. Until recently. Its an up and down rollercoaster being a mom of four (beautiful and amazing) young kids. And there are days where if i have to answer one more "why?" Again i think my head just might blow up! I know who I want to be. I have this picture of supermom in my head (she actually resembles my mom in nearly every aspect!) And day to day i find myself falling short. This wonderful prayer warrior, strong, supportive, never tired, never angry, always meditating on Gods Word young looking fun and fabulous person just has not been attainable! (Ok go ahead and laugh!)
But knowing who you want to be doesnt always mean its who you are. And especially so if you dont have a clue who you even are right now! There are days when I will say to my husband "I cant do this" hoping for him to come along and say "yes you can!" And sometimes he does say that, but i think its gotten old now and he just looks at me like "you know thats not true"
Ok so, Im guilty of trying to find myself in others approval. But heres something i have found.
After several sermons at church hearing the pastor say things such as "you need to know who you are in Gods Word" or "when you know what God says about you you will never doubt again" i thought, "I've spent my entire life in church, and i know what my mom, my husband, my brothers and grandma all say about me... but what does God say?!" I must have missed the sermon on that.
I delved into searching Gods Word to see what it says. I didn't find the verses that said 'you are worthless' a 'nobody' or 'sick and pathetic' which is how i have felt at different times in my life, or even thought was what God wanted me to think about myself. What I found has transformed me!
When i was little i felt like everyone always told me i was nothing. Maybe they didnt, or maybe my brothers were really only trying to toughen my skin. But i (even though i argued) believed them. I would think if my family couldnt love me enough, then God couldnt. One day as a troubled and angsty teenager my grandma told me "you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to" it changed what i thought. After that i decided to graduate from highschool early, go to college and become a medical assistant. And i did.
It was those few words ... that someone believed in me, that gave me what i needed to push forward.
Thats what Gods Word is, its God (the one and only, the one who created you, the one who knows every hair on your head, every bruise on your body and every thing about you) saying "i know you, I formed you, this is what I made you capable of"
Just a couple verses here that showed me something that has changed me almost instantly!
I am more than a conquerer!! (Romans 8:37) "In all these things we are more than conquerers through Him (Christ Jesus) who loves us!"
I am Mighty in the Lord!! (2 Corinthians 4:8,9) "we are afflicted in every way BUT NOT CRUSHED! Perplexed BUT NOT DRIVEN TO DISPAIR! Persecuted BUT NOT FORSAKEN! Struck down BUT NOT DESTROYED!! "
I am able to do anything I set my mind to! (Genesis 11:6) "and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will be impossible for them."

How great is that! Gods people, Gods Children, the ones confessing the risen from the dead Jesus as the Son of God, are able to do ANYTHING they put their minds to. God created us in HIS image, able to do anything Jesus did! (If you know about Jesus then this should blow your socks off!) Read John 14:12. It says "Truly truly I (Jesus) say to you, whosoever believes in me will also do the works that i do, and greater works than these will he do!"
So... thats just the tip of the iceburg. But right now, Im standing strong on the Words that God says about me.
Feeling quite unstoppable and on top of the world! Ready to take it on!
But what about you? Where do you fit in?
You will find yourself burried in Gods word. No matter who you are. Believer of God or not. You are in there. And in Gods sights.

Signing out for now
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  1. :) I love this, I love when I see this energy come from you and I get the biggest smile on my face with the Image I have of God just looking at you bubbling with pride and just saying "thats my girl." Its an overwhelming feeling of joy really. Keep searching, post the verses everywhere, thats it I'm sending you post it notes, put them on your mirrors, your fridge and everywhere! love you girl
